Milwaukee County Case Number 15CF1273 State v. Client: Charges dismissed on date of trial after insurmountable evidence of innocence.
Milwaukee County Case Number 15CF5074 State v. Client: All evidence suppressed. All charges dismissed for civil rights violation.
Milwaukee County Case Number 2015CF695 State of Wisconsin vs. Client: Not guilty at jury trial. Self-defense.
Milwaukee County Case Number 15CF5340 State v. Client: Not guilty at jury trial.
Milwaukee County Case Number 2018CF005375 State of Wisconsin vs. Client: Client exonerated. All charges dismissed on date of trial.
Manitowoc County Case Number 20CF413: Modified to misdemeanor possession before the preliminary hearing following defense’s motion.
Waukesha County Case Number 16CF1525 State of Wisconsin v. Client: All charges dismissed after exculpatory witness tracked down through four states.
Marathon County Case Number 2018CM001566 State of Wisconsin vs. Client: Client exonerated after charges were proven to be fraudulent. All charges dismissed by the prosecution.
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